[ekdosis] references from edition to translation`

Robert Alessi robert.alessi at cnrs.fr
Wed May 11 13:48:31 CEST 2022

I see: Arabic is getting in the way.

Could you try to insert


in your preamble below the line that loads arabluatex?

On Wed, May 11, 2022 at 12:58:22PM +0200, r.ermers at mo-perspectief.nl wrote:
> Dear Robert,
> I tried, but I am afraid it does not work with Arabic edited text. I tried with RL with and without curly braces.
> Robert
> LaTeX Warning: Reference `B1' on page 1 undefined on input line 390.
> ! Undefined control sequence.
> <argument> \لِنeلَبeل 
>                   {ـ١}
> l.397 \end
>         {edition}
> ? 
> \begin{alignment}[flush,lcols=2]
> \begin{translation}
> \noindent%
> Translation Translation  \lineref{B1}  Translation Translation Translation Translation Translation Translation Translation Translation Translation Translation Translation Translation Translation 
> \end{translation}
> \begin{edition}
> \setRL
> \begin{arab}[voc]
> \LR{\noindent}%
> .Al-.hmd l-llh {\LR{\linelabel{B1}}} .Al_dy xlq .Al-.AnsAn wx.s.sh b-mnzlT (?) .Al|lsAn w-^srf 'l-byAn w-x"Alf `nhA (?) byn .Al-AlsnT w-.AlAlwAn.
> \end{arab}
> \end{edition}
> \end{alignment}
> > Op 11 mei 2022, om 09:59 heeft Robert Alessi <robert.alessi at cnrs.fr> het volgende geschreven:
> > 
> > Dear Robert,
> > 
> > The documentation should be improved on this point.
> > 
> > To get references to line numbers, you must first insert
> > \linelabel{<label>} in the edition text.  Then you can refer to the
> > line number with \lineref{<label>}.
> > 
> > \pageref{<label>} will further print the page number, which allows you
> > to define a simple macro:
> > 
> >   \newcommand\lnref[1]{page \pageref{#1}, l.~\lineref{#1}}
> > 
> > to get both the page number and the line number of a given \linelabel.
> > 
> > Best regards,
> > 
> > Robert
> > 
> > On Wed, May 11, 2022 at 09:45:52AM +0200, r.ermers at mo-perspectief.nl wrote:
> >> Dear List,
> >> 
> >> I wonder if it is possible to put a label in the edition text and refer to it in a general comment section or in the translation section. The output should be linenumber. I tried, but it did not work.
> >> 
> >> Regards,
> >> 
> >> Robert
> >> 
> >> 
> >> \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{book}
> >> 
> >> \usepackage[teiexport=tidy]{ekdosis}
> >> \SetLineation{lineation=page,modulo, modulonum=3}
> >> 
> >> 
> >> \newcounter{Lemmacount}
> >> \newenvironment{Lemma}[1][]{\refstepcounter{Lemmacount}\par\bigskip%
> >> \noindent%
> >> Fragment~\textbf{\theLemmacount. #1}\rmfamily\bigskip \noindent}%
> >> 
> >> \begin{document}
> >> 
> >> \begin{Lemma}
> >> \label{P003} \Plaats{1A middle} \VN{003}
> >> \begin{alignment}[flush,lcols=2]
> >> \begin{translation}
> >> \noindent%
> >> Translation translation translation translation translation translation translation translation translation translation
> >> 
> >> Translation translation \ref{interesting} translation translation translation translation translation translation translation translation
> >> 
> >> \end{translation}
> >> \begin{edition}
> >> \setRL
> >> \begin{arab}[voc]
> >> \LR{\noindent}%
> >> 
> >> y`.ty lmA y^sA' w-.A`”lam  
> >> 
> >> .Anna m`nY ba`"da mA ymsku b`d mas”k 
> >> 
> >> m`nY \label{interesting} m.hAwlT b`d mA _dhb
> >> 
> >> \end{arab}
> >> \end{edition}
> >> \end{alignment}
> >> \begin{commentaar}
> >> 
> >> test reference\ref{interesting}
> >> 
> >> \end{commentaar}
> >> \end{Lemma}
> >> 
> >> \end{document}
> >> 
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> >> ekdosis mailing list
> >> ekdosis at ekdosis.org
> >> http://www.ekdosis.org/mailman/listinfo/ekdosis
> > _______________________________________________
> > ekdosis mailing list
> > ekdosis at ekdosis.org
> > http://www.ekdosis.org/mailman/listinfo/ekdosis

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> ekdosis mailing list
> ekdosis at ekdosis.org
> http://www.ekdosis.org/mailman/listinfo/ekdosis

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