[ekdosis] All critical notes put below one fragment

r.ermers at mo-perspectief.nl r.ermers at mo-perspectief.nl
Fri May 6 10:56:57 CEST 2022

Dear Robert,

Thank you for your suggestions. They work as expected; it is becoming very nice already in this working stage.

\SetLineation{lineation=document,modulo, modulonum=3}


I suppose I can have the same effect with \SetAlignment {flush=true, ….}.



> Op 6 mei 2022, om 10:06 heeft Robert Alessi <robert.alessi at cnrs.fr> het volgende geschreven:
> Dear Robert,
> As a matter of fact, there is a solution which I must admit is not very
> well documented, even though it is used quite extensively in the
> documentation itself of ekdosis.
> I am referring to the "flush" optional argument that is described on
> p. 29 of the documentation.[1]  As an illustration, this snippet:
> \begin{alignment}[flush, lcols=2]
>  \begin{edition}
>  ...
>  \end{edition}
>  \begin{translation}
>  ...
>  \end{translation}
> \end{alignment}
> will print your edition text and the translation printed as presented
> on p. 26 of the documentation.[2]
> Let me know if this arrangement suits your needs.
> Best,
> Robert
> Footnotes:
> [1]  http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/luatex/latex/ekdosis/ekdosis.pdf#page.29
> [2]  http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/luatex/latex/ekdosis/ekdosis.pdf#page.26
> On Fri, May 06, 2022 at 09:15:28AM +0200, r.ermers at mo-perspectief.nl wrote:
>>   Dear list members,
>>   I am working on the edition + translation of about 300 Arabic marginal and
>>   interlinear notes in an Arabic MS.
>>   I have written the Arabic text in Arabluatex. I have collected these notes
>>   in numbered fragments. At each fragment the linenumbering is reset at 1.
>>   I want my critical notes to be put below each fragment.
>>   However, it seems that Ekdosis collects the critical notes of several
>>   fragments and puts hem all under one. In my example the critical notes to
>>   P018 are put below P009.
>>   Does anyone have a solution?
>>   Help is much appreciated!
>>   Robert
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