[ekdosis] ekdosis v1.2

Dominik Wujastyk wujastyk at gmail.com
Tue Jan 11 01:12:52 CET 2022

Dear Robert,

To my embarrassment, I only just saw your email of last April!  It got
auto-routed into a folder that I failed to check.  Thank you for your
considered response to this tricky problem.


On Sun, 4 Apr 2021 at 10:47, Robert Alessi <alessi at robertalessi.net> wrote:

> Dear Dominik,
> Of course I didn't know about the existence of the Saktumiva system.
> Thank you!  I've found the overall rendition absolutely admirable, to
> to mention the many options that are available: IAST, Devanāgarī,
> etc., plus those related to punctuation and orthographic variants.
> What an amazing work!  As I understand this system, however, one is
> supposed to encode the edition text in TEI from the outset, which is
> fine of course, but starting from a (La)TeX source file comes with
> different technical requirements.  Unfortunately, as far as I am
> concerned, I can only address the "Sandhi issue" from a purely
> computerized approach, namely: how are we to encode a string in which
> there is a letter that must be printed in the edition text, but not in
> the apparatus criticus, knowing that: 1. the argument of \lem{} is
> printed in the edition text and in the apparatus criticus; 2. only
> this same argument is processed as regards the TEI output?  What I'm
> getting at is whether you insert this letter in \lem{} or not, you are
> in trouble.  Of course, you may say:
>    ... kurvan-kriyāyoga\app{
>     \lem[wit={X,Y,Z}, alt={tato bhavet}]{s-tato bhavet}
>     \rdg{...}}
> so that only the contents of the "alt" optional argument is printed in
> the apparatus criticus.  But then, what do we get in the TEI output,
> knowing that this optional argument is not processed as regards TEI?
> Something as:
>    ... kurvan-kriyāyoga<app>
>                          <lem wit="#X #Y #Z">s-tato bhavet</lem>
>                          <rdg>...</rdg>
>                          </app>
> which is wrong.
> After receiving your message, I tried to investigate further this
> LaTeX-related issue.  It so happens that ekdosis provides pattern
> matching functions that can be of use in such situations.  You will
> find attached a PDF with comments.  It starts with a small piece of
> text.  Then follow the .tex source file and the corresponding TEI xml
> output produced by ekdosis.  The relevant parts in both the .tex and
> the xml listings are highlighted in light gray.
> What do you think of the problem and my approach?  I wouldn't want to
> get completely mistaken!
> With regards to sanskrit-hyphenation.tex, Dropbox says: "The item was
> deleted".  Is there any other place where I can get it?
> Thank you!
> Best,
> Robert
> On Sat, Apr 03, 2021 at 01:23:44PM -0600, Dominik Wujastyk wrote:
> > Dear Robert,
> >
> > Great news all round.
> >
> > I'm pleased to know that the Marburg (and SOAS?) Sanskritists are working
> > with Ekdosis.  What you call the "Sandhi problem," by which you mean
> > something mainly orthographical not phonetic (sandhi), has to a large
> > extent been solved in the Saktumiva <http://saktumiva.org> system where
> one
> > can switch writing systems at will and the system does the right thing
> with
> > inter-word spacing from script-to-script.  Dr Charles Li is the author of
> > Saktumiva, and the code is OA and on Github.
> >
> > Another Sanskrit issue is hyphenation.  For XeTeX Polyglossia users, as a
> > user myself, Sanskrit text is already recognized and if tagged with the
> > right Sanskrit language tag Polyglossia (and Babel) will invoke the
> > appropriate hyphenation rules for both Devanagari and to IAST Roman
> > transliteration as well as several other scripts (Bengali, Gujarati,
> > Kannada, Malayalam, and Telugu; thanks to the author Yves Codet, author
> of
> > hyph-sa.tex).  However, these rules are simple and sometimes fail.  Over
> > several years I have been building up a list of manually hyphenated
> > Sanskrit words and compounds.  Importing my file (\input
> > sanskrit-hyphenations.tex
> > <
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/9n3ei6n2zy4vlx9/sanskrit-hyphenations.tex?dl=0>)
> > after \begin{document} can help a lot with TeX line-breaking.
> >
> > Best,
> > Dominik
> >
> >
> > On Sat, 3 Apr 2021 at 08:16, Robert Alessi <alessi at robertalessi.net>
> wrote:
> >
> > > Dear members of the ekdosis list,
> > >
> > > As I am about to announce v1.2 of ekdosis, I realize that I never made
> > > any announcement about v1.1.  It must be said that in the last few
> > > months I somewhat have lost track of my emails.  I will however try to
> > > catch up in the coming weeks.  In the meantime, please accept my
> > > apologies for this.
> > >
> > > ekdosis v1.1
> > > ------------
> > > So v1.1 was published at the beginning of last November, with the
> > > following new features:---
> > > - Improved documentation with new sections, notably "Variae
> > >   Quaestiones"" and "Laying Out Parallel Texts".
> > > - Compliance to LaTeX 2020-10-01 (namely: inclusion of xparse
> > >   and new hook management).
> > > - Improved \DeclareScholar meant to build a list of persons within the
> > >   <listPerson> TEI element.  A new command \DeclareSource for editions
> > >   used as sources was added.  As a consequence, 'source' and 'resp'
> > >   were added as optional arguments of \lem and \rdg.
> > > - Editorial changes: new commands \supplied, \surplus, \sic and \gap
> > >   were added among others.
> > > - Some commands were renamed: \SetxmlBibResource →
> > >   \AddxmlBibResource and \TeXtoTEIPatt → \TeXtoTEIPat.
> > > - A new command \addentries was added for modifying the number of
> > >   accepted entries on the current page.
> > > - ekdosis was modified to accept any page numbering scheme. (v1.0 only
> > >   worked on pages numbered with Arabic numerals.)
> > > - A new command \rdgGrp for sub-variation was added.
> > >
> > > ekdosis v1.2
> > > ------------
> > > This release has just been published and should be available from the
> > > mirrors in a couple of days.  The announcement text follows:---
> > > - Improved support of babel/polyglossia: it is now possible to apply
> > >   to any layer of the apparatus criticus a language different from the
> > >   one that is selected in the edition text. This is notably important
> > >   eg. for Arabic or Sanskrit where it is customary to use a
> > >   transliteration scheme in the apparatus criticus.
> > > - New general hooks have been added, allowing for an initial
> > >   separating rule, the styling of lemma texts and/or variant readings,
> > >   &c.
> > > - Poetry: ekdosis can now load and use the facilities provided by the
> > >   verse package. Verse lines can be numbered independently of prose
> > >   text. Of course, continuous line numbering remains
> > >   possible. Indentation patterns are also supported. Furthermore, a
> > >   specific environment for the encoding of line groups has been
> > >   added. A detailed example from Raymond MacDonald Alden's edition of
> > >   Shakespeare's Sonnets from the Quarto of 1609 with variorum readings
> > >   is provided in the documentation, where an effort has been made to
> > >   keep the typography and the punctuation of the original edition.
> > > - Conditional page breaks: the line number and optionally the page
> > >   number where a page break should occur can be specified. If the
> > >   conditions specified be not met, then the page break is not
> > >   triggered.
> > > - Much improved export to TEI xml.
> > >
> > > I am also very happy to announce that ekdosis is being intensively
> > > tested in large projects involving Sanskrit, Syriac or Arabic edition
> > > texts.  I should be able to post some news about Syriac and Arabic in
> > > the coming weeks.
> > >
> > > As for Sanskrit, of great interest is that an Anglo-German Haṭha-Yoga
> > > project is now editing with ekdosis.
> > > (
> > >
> https://www.uni-marburg.de/de/fb10/iksl/faecher/indologie/aktuelles/news/yoga-projekt
> > > )
> > > This work has also led to the development of "babel-iast", a mapping
> > > system for Romanized Sanskrit in IAST scheme to Unicode Devanāgarī.
> > > (https://github.com/radardenker/babel-iast)  At the time of writing,
> > > within the framework of this project, development towards producing
> > > html output from TEI xml is underway.  Do not hesitate to ask for more
> > > information should you be interested in knowing more about this.
> > >
> > > What is good is that inter-disciplinary work always provides
> > > opportunities to spot tricky issues, such as what I would call "the
> > > Sandhi problem" for Sanskrit edition texts, namely rules that dictate
> > > to write together in Devanāgarī words according to their final and
> > > initial sound.  All of this has to be rendered properly in the edition
> > > text, in the apparatus criticus in case some variant gets in the way
> > > and of course in TEI and html output.  I hope to find a solution to
> > > work around such issues soon.
> > >
> > > Best wishes,
> > >
> > > Robert
> > >
> > > --
> > > Robert Alessi
> > > CNRS UMR 8167 «Orient & Méditerranée» (Paris)
> > > <robert.alessi at cnrs.fr>
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > ekdosis mailing list
> > > ekdosis at robertalessi.net
> > > http://www.robertalessi.net/mailman/listinfo/ekdosis
> > >
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> > ekdosis mailing list
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