[ekdosis] font issue in \note*

Juan Acevedo juan.acevedo at gmx.net
Thu Jul 23 02:02:11 CEST 2020


I assume you have been busy working on the documentation and other ekdosis related matters, so I just send this for when you have time to look into it. 

I have been geting used to the package, experimenting with a setup for an English critical edition of an Arabic text (with ArabLuaTeX). 

Here below is a minimal example,


%!TEX TS-program = lualatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode


wa-_dakarnAhumA fI 
	\note*{\LR{This citation from \textit{Nūnīyah} is common}}} 
%	\note*{\LR{This citation from {\itshape Nūnīyah} is common}}}  % this works 

And we mentioned them…

I am getting this error message:

./xetest.tex:25: Argument of \reserved at a has an extra }.
<inserted text> 
l.25 \end

But there is no error if I use {\itshape } inside the \note*{}. The error is triggered by using \emph{} or \textit{}

Aside from this, very happy new users here, and, just so you know, we'll be very grateful for anything you can do in the future to cater for a \LR apparatus under a \RL text, or any advice on such a setup. No hurry!

Many thanks,

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